Jaka Berger - prepared drums
Samo Šalamon - acoustic guitars
Marina Džukljev - piano , preparations
All music by Salamon, Džukljev, Berger
The Fresh Dust Trio features Samo Salamon on acoustic guitars, Marina Dzukljev on piano & preparations and Jaka Berger on drums & objects. I recently got three promo CD’s in the mail from Slovenian guitarist, Samo Salamon, and was blown away by all three, which is interesting since each one was completely different: punk/jazz, acoustic free improv too and an 11 piece orchestra. I have had my eye on Mr. Salamon since the turn of the millennium, he is immensely prolific with around 30 releases as a leader or sideman. He has worked with a diverse cast of collaborators: Tony Malaby, Tim Berne, Tom Rainey, Julian Arguelles & Achille Succi. I am not quite familiar with pianist Marina Dzukljev from this trio but drummer Jaka Berger has worked with Mr. Salamon on a few previous records. Mr. Berger composed three of the four pieces here. The first piece, “Hilarious Experts”, has a great, twisted repeating line, which is played tightly by all three members of the trio and then slowly unravels as it goes, from a sparse midsection which slowly increases in tempo, spiraling freely. The web of sounds gets thicker as all three players spin freely, the intensity increasing. Mr. Berger kicks off “Liu” with a great drum groove with the acoustic guitar & piano soon joining him, all weaving tightly around one another, their lines being stretched out as the go. As the piece gets freer, each player experiments with their instruments: playing inside the piano with objects, rubbing or plucking the strings of the guitars with other objects and utilizing assorted percussive stuff. Ms. Dzukljev is featured on “Coal Trains” and is in fine form, switching between different layers of lines, both on the keyboard and inside the piano. As this piece gets more dense, we start to ascend higher and higher, helping us escape everyday nightmares. Mr. Salamon eventually breaks through the whirlwind and takes a truly inspired, powerful guitar solo! Yes! The last piece is a collective improv called, “Down the Rabbit Hole”. It is long and works it way through different sections, showing how well this trio comes together and thinks like one collective force. Extraordinary! - Bruce Lee Gallanter, DMG
Marina Džukljev / Samo Šalamon / Jaka Berger : Fresh Dust Trio (FMR)
With Fresh Dust Trio we are in the company of Marina Dzukljev (piano, objects) from Serbia, Slovenian musician Jaka Berger (drums, objects) and Samo Salamon (acoustic guitar, 12 strong acoustic guitar) also from Slovenia. Their excellent debut release starts with three pieces composed by Berger, and closes with a lengthy collective improvisation. Dzukljev is a pianist, improviser and performer of classical and contemporary music. She worked with Diatribes, Franz Hautzinger, Joel Grip, John Dikeman, Isabelle Duthoit, Tristan Honsinger, Bertrand Denzler, to name a few. Salamon studied classical guitar, took lessons with John Scofield, Tim Brady, a.o. He has already about 20 records out, worked with John Hollenbeck, Wilbert de Joode, Pascal Niggenkemper, Tim Berne, etc. So he can hardly be called a new force. Of Slovenian drummer Jaka Berger I couldn’t trace much, except that he worked in earlier projects with Salamon and did duo-work with Dzukljev. In short for all three counts that we are dealing here with creative musicians from the Balkan areas. Their united talents make up a very inspiring trio, delivering some very engaging improvisations that are very spirited and playful. In the opening track ‘Hilarious Experts’ a simple motif, is treated in many different ways appearing and popping up in very different shapes. Also ‘Liu’ has a short motiv at the core. But during the improvisation musicians abstract from it, losing themselves in diverse excursions but always this motive is in the neighborhood. ‘Coal Trains’ has a very great solo by Salamon. The closing improvisation ‘Down the Rabbit Whole’ is very together and full of twists and gestures demonstrating once more these three musicians make a lovely and inspiring unit. A great surprise from an excellent trio offering some very relevant stuff. (DM)
Dve novi izdaji domačih improvizatorjev pri tujih založbah: Fresh Dust Trio in Drašler/Jackson/Thompson
Neumorni tolkalec in elektrofonik Jaka Berger je leta 2018 zasnoval novo zasedbo Fresh Dust Trio in vanjo povabil domačega strunarja Sama Šalomona ter srbsko pianistko Marino Džukljev. Z obema redno sodeluje. S Šalomonom je letos pri založbi Klopotec izdal že dve plošči, na prvi z njima sodeluje še violist Szilárd Mezei, druga je delo večjega ansambla Freequestra. V duu z Džukljevo je leta 2017 izdal ploščo pri lastni založbi Zvočni prepihi. Tokratni trio se s prostimi improvizacijami in tremi skladbami, za katere je Berger napisal tematske okvire, trio pa jih nato intenzivno in iskrivo dekonstruira v imeniten splet rapidno lomljenih ritmov, pretanjenih zvenov in razgradenj melodij ter zgoščenih energičnih zasukov, ponovno umešča v polje sodobnega svobodnjaškega jazza in svobodne improvizacije. Plošča je v tujini že prejela odličen kritiški odziv. Za znamenito njujorško spletno trgovino Downtown Music Gallery je Bruce Lee Gallanter (http://www.downtownmusicgallery.com/search.php ) zapisal: ‘‘Zadnja skladba je kolektivna improvizacija, poimenovana “Down the Rabbit Hole”. Je dolga, prebija se skozi različne sekcije in kaže, kako močno je trio usklajen in kako razmišlja kot ena kolektivna sila. Izredno!‘’. Plošča je pod naslovom Hilarious Experts izšla pri legendarni britanski založbi FMR Records, eni najstarejših založb za svobodno improvizirano glasbo, ki deluje že od leta 1972. S pričujočo izdajo se trio postavlja ob bok legendarnim izvajalcem in izvajalkam, kot so Barry Guy, Evan Parker, Trevor Watts, Paul Dunmall, Derek Bailey, John Stevens, John Surnam, Peter Brötzmann, Marilyn Crispell, in številnim sodobnikom in sodobnicam.