Szilárd Mezei Túl a Tiszán Innen Ensemble

Szilárd Mezei Túl a Tiszán Innen Ensemble plays contemporary improvised and composed music.Andrea Berendika, flute, alto fluteBogdan Ranković, klarinet, bas klarinet, alt and soprano saksopfonBela Buranji, soprano, bariton saxopfonBranislav Aksin, trombonTijana Stanković, violinAkoš Keseg, violinMarina Džukljev, pianoErvin Malina, double bassIvan Burka, vibrafon, marimbaIštvan Čik, drummsSzilárd Mezei, viola, compositionThe exceptional viola …

Electroacoustic quartet

Electroacoustic quartetBiliana Voutchkova, violin, voiceMarina Džukljev, pianoMilana Zarić, harp, zither, voiceRichard Barrett, electronicsInternational electroacoustic quartet consist of accomplished musicians with distinct sensibilities, working in the fields of improvised, composed, experimental and classical creative performance and research.The interplay between violin, harp, piano, voices and electronics seamlessly reveal multi-faceted inner worlds of …

Marina Džukljev & Noid

Marina Džukljev – church organnoid – amplified celloPhoto: Christina Marx/Photomusix„a counter position of church organ and amplified cello,accumulations of delicate complex tonesencircles the audience.shifting slowly, like moving continentsin subtle variations of density,fine adjustments in micro-tonality.a journey in space and time.” Novi Sad-based Serbian pianist Marina Džukljev (1983) is an active performer …


ABOUTMarina Džukljev – organ/eco tigerRichie Herbst – modular synthesizerMiodrag Gladović – electric guitar, electronics“MRM TRIO consists of well-known musicians of the experimental scene from Serbia, Austria and Croatia. I have been following Marina Džukljev’s work for a while now. In the last years she has been very active in the …

dieb13 & Marina Džukljev

photo by Alisa BeckDieb 13, turntables, kopfer Marina Džukljev, pianoKindly supported by Austrian Culture Forum (OKF)ALBUM ŠTRUDELŠtrudel by dieb13 & Marina DžukljevLive at Echoraum, Vienna (AT)Marina Džukljev · Marina Džukljev & dieb 13 – Live at EchoraumRADIO review:Maybe the most appropriate words for the duet between Dieb13 and Marina Džukljev …


Marina Džukljev, prepared PianoRaed Yassin, Synths and ElectronicsThis duo consist well-known figures of Europian experimental and improvised music – Raed Yassin, Berlin based multidisciplonary artist and Marina Džukljev, pianist from Serbia.After having collaborated on several occasions, duo had a premiere in Berlin at Morphone Raum in April, 2023.At the moment, …

Flowers We Are

Marina Džukljev – analog organ (piano)Matija Schellander – electronicsNoid – cello / electronicsThe three musicians move with equal ease, playfulness and elegance from minimal electronic sounds to melodic fragments to orchestral fullness.The trio convinces with the wide spectrum of its musical languages: “Flowers we are…” consists of the versatile, Novi …

TiTiTi & Marina Džukljev

TiTiTi trioVid Drašler, drums Jure Borišič, alt saxophone & clarinet Jošt Drašler, double bass +Marina Džukljev, pianoŠtafelaj by TiTiTi (Jure Boršič, Jošt Drašler, Vid Drašler)REVIEWS:šče sveta pod zvezdami: Koncert TiTiTiRADIO: Jože Požrl. Live at Jazz Cerkno 2022.


Live in Stockholm by Marina DžukljevMarina Džukljev · Solo at HagenfestenMarina Džukljev · Solo at Fylkingen

Džukljev – Trilla – Mezei

Still now (If You Still) – FMR Records, 2017.⇒ STILL NOW (IF YOU STILL)Still now (If you still) by Vasco Trilla / Marina Džukljev / Mezei SzilárdPRESS: Szilard Mezei on viola, Marine Dzukljev on piano and Vasco Trilla on drums & percussion. Anyone who reads the DMG newsletter regularly knows …

Marina Džukljev & Aron Porteleki

Marina Džukljev, pianoPorteleki Aron, drumms, violaLive at Ring Ring Festival 2018. Released for Klopotec založba (SI)Wonder Marks by Marina Džukljev & Áron PortelekiREVIEWSNa prošlogodišnjem Ring Ring festivalu u Beogradu, pre legendi svetske impro scene Ken Vandermark-a i Paal Nilssen-Love-a nastupile su regionalne snage u vidu dua Marine Džukljev, sada već …